Nailsea Environment and Wildlife Trust

Moorend Spout  (ST466715) is well known for its natural beauty, provided by the Alder carr, and with the additional attraction of a constantly flowing waterfall. This is a particularly valuable wildlife habitat: low lying and water logged, which is traversed by a well-used public foot path. The ‘Spout’ now appears to be ducted in a large field drain at about 3m below soil level that runs from the east with access at intervals, flowing into the western rhyne and providing the waterfall.

The land is in the flood plain, well below the level of the river Land Yeo that forms the north boundary, while the rhyne to the south joins the river Middle Yeo, both flowing westwards towards Clevedon. To the north, the Tickenham Ridge forms a very attractive setting for this idyllic area. The designated Regional Wildlife Site of particular interest occupies about 1.5 ha (c.3 acres) and is bordered to the east by the (unmarked) north/south boundary about half way across the field, and to the west by a small rhyne. 

There is now a biodiversity action plan for the management of wet woodland and this is being promoted by North Somerset Council. Alder carr is now rare and supports a variety of invertebrate species not found elsewhere, and it is now on the UK List of Priority Habitats. Much of this habitat type has been lost due to the drainage of land, but where it still exists it is very important that it should be conserved. The site is clearly of great value for its biodiversity and for its aesthetic qualities.

The rhynes to the west of the site are part of the Tickenham & Nailsea Moors Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Access to the site from Nailsea is adjacent to one of the ditches having the SSSI designation and part of this is within the area of importance. The citation gives the following description ‘Low lying agricultural land with associated rhynes and ditches that support rich plant and invertebrate communities’.  The previous owners respected the status of the site and it was well preserved for its wildlife.

Pond - beforePond - before
Pond - afterPond - afterPond - after

"Before" - new pond in 2013

"After" - the same pond in 2020